Help your child get better grades

Camp Homework helps K-12 students get higher test scores, better grades, and improve confidence in school.
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We offer affordable Math and English Tutoring

Making sure your child is successful in school is not an easy task

We know that after a long day at work, you often need to help your child with their homework or upcoming test. Parenting is hard!

With new teaching methods, you might need to do a deep dive into a subject before you can explain it to your child. School can be different from when you were a child. We work with many families just like yours who face the same challenges.

Daily Homework Struggle: Evening homework often turns into a negotiation, with your child begging for anyone but you to explain those tricky fractions or intergrals.

Lack of Confidence in School: Academic challenges always result in a great deal of stress for both parents and students, and it often leads to students hating school and schoolwork.

Large Class Sizes: With ever shrinking school budgets, teachers can only provide limited attention in crowded classrooms, with students not having their personalized learning needs met.

Learning Gaps: Many students right now are missing foundational subject knowledge (such as reading comprehension and basic arithmetic skills), making it hard for them to excel in current classes and learn advanced topics.

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We Are Here To Help

1-on-1 Expert Tutors

Our expert tutors are dedicated to helping your child succeed in school. Your child will be paired with a tutor who will assist with their current schoolwork and help them build a strong foundation for future subjects.

Consistent Help

We have found that consistent tutoring sessions lead to higher test scores and improved confidence in school. 

Our students know their tutor will be there to help with any academic challenges they face.

Affordable Plans

We know private tutors can be expensive. We believe that all the students deserve to have access to education. Our goal is to make tutoring affordable for most families. 

Our plans start at $125/mo.

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We care about your child's success in school

We know that a long-term tutor-student relationship leads to great outcomes.

Here at Camp Homework, we view your child’s education as a team effort. Our learning coordinator plays a crucial role, always available to check in and ensure your child is on the right path. They are ready to provide additional support whenever needed, giving you peace of mind. Our tutors build rapport with their students, fostering a comfortable and conducive learning environment.

Our tutors specialize in multiple subjects, allowing us to tailor tutoring sessions to address whatever school challenges students face.

Girl in pink and white crew neck t shirt holding brown notebook

Our Process

1. Schedule a Free Assessment

Reach out to us to get a free assessment with our Learning Coordinator. During the assessment, we will look into your child’s strengths and find out opportunities we can focus on. Shortly after the assessment, you will get an email with a report.

2. Start Learning with a Tutor

Your child will start attending weekly sessions with their tutor and working on topics and tasks they need help with. Our tutors will not only help with homework but also deepen your child’s knowledge of the subject by providing intermittent review classes or advanced lessons, depending on your child’s needs.

3. See Your Child Improve

You can start seeing improvements in your child’s grades and understanding of the subjects after just 8 to 12 consecutive sessions with us. Most of our students also increase their confidence in school, knowing that they have a better grasp of their lessons through the help of our tutors.

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From struggling student to a confident learner with Camp Homework

Unlike traditional tutoring, we focus on helping struggling students rapidly progress academically with customized growth plans. By identifying and addressing learning gaps, we ensure students establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Our unique assessment and personalized solutions support students of all abilities, including neurodivergent learners, across diverse educational settings.

Child excited about online tutoring session

Helping kids keep up with their school work

Our expert tutors ensure kids keep up with their schoolwork by providing tailored attention, simplifying tough subjects, and adapting teaching methods to suit individual needs. Through personalized one-on-one sessions, they identify and address areas of struggle, teaching effective study techniques and time management skills. Our goal? Helping kids excel in school now and in the future!

Boy smiling while sitting at his desk

Helping kids get ahead

Our tutors boost students’ confidence in school subjects, inspiring them to feel capable and motivated. As kids gain a deeper understanding of their lessons, they develop a strong sense of self-assurance and a desire to pursue advanced classes. With clear explanations and engaging teaching methods, our tutors make learning enjoyable and encourage students to tackle more challenging material. This newfound confidence often leads students to choose advanced classes and explore new subjects, improving their chances of attending top colleges and universities in the future. By instilling belief in their abilities, our tutors open doors to success and enhance students’ overall school experience.

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Thank you Laine and Ms. Lissa for the great teaching. M****** feels it really helped improve his understanding of the concepts and of course his overall marks.
Kerry K.
 I do think that N*** is recognizing the benefit of working with you. He started out a bit resistant and thinking he didn’t need tutoring, but now signs on with absolutely no complaint, and has told me he seems like it is helping.
Heather W.
 I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful job you are doing and L** just loves! I have emailed three different tutors through the school and not one has gotten back with me . 
Tara S.
[Ms. Laine] and Ms. Jirah are wonderful tutors and I am grateful for the support they give A********. Thanks for all your help.
Ysabel G.
Both E*** and I appreciate your calming, encouraging demeanor as you work with her. I think that goes a long way toward ensuring her success.
Adrienne C.
We've really enjoyed the program and working with [Ms. Cherry] and you all. Seems like A**** is enjoying it too.
Amy A.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is online tutoring effective?

Today's technologies allow online tutoring to be as effective (and sometimes more effective) as face-to-face tutoring. We encourage our students to wear a headset during the session to help them focus on the lesson. Our teachers use a digital whiteboard to explain and illustrate during each session. The students see their tutor as well.

What grade levels do you have tutors for?

We have tutors available for all K-12 students. Our tutors focus on reading, writing, basic arithmetic in elementary school. We can assist students in any school subject in middle and high school. We also do have tutors that can assist with college classes.

Where are the tutors located? Do they have accents?

We strive to provide affordable, highly qualified tutors. All of our tutors are based in the Philippines. During our hiring process we insure that all of our tutors are excellent at communication and have strong subject knowledge. All of our tutors have at least a bachelors degree, and most are either working towards a master's degree or have master's degree as well. While some may have a slight accent, it has not been an issue for most of our students. You can reach out to the Learning Coordinator with any concerns. We want to make sure the tutor assigned to your child is a great fit and are happy to change tutors if needed.

Can both of my children attend a tutoring session? Do you have discounts for families?

Our program offers one-on-one tutoring. Tutors are most effective when they are working with one student at the time. We do offer a small discount for multiple students from the same family. Also, you can split a Standard or Advance package between your kids.

How long will my child need tutoring?

Most of the families that work with us see a tremendous value in the improvements their children make when working with our tutors. They tend to stay for many years, however, there is no long-term commitment and you can stop tutoring sessions at any time.

How many tutoring sessions a week will my child need?

You can usually see the greatest impact with two or more tutoring sessions a week. During the initial assessment, our Learning Coordinator will assess your child and recommend the package for you. If your child is doing great in school, our tutors will work on challenging your kids in their school subjects.

What is more important than your child's future?
Our mission is to help your student improve grades and increase confidence in school. We work with K-12 students on improving their subject knowledge, helping with homework, and increasing test scores. Our tutors make a difference.



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